Professional Calf Pulls Services at Rio Grande Veterinary Clinic, Laredo, Texas

Rio Grande Veterinary Clinic in Laredo, Texas, offers expert calf pull services to assist with difficult calving situations. Our experienced veterinarians understand the importance of a safe and successful delivery for both the calf and the mother cow. Using specialized techniques and equipment, we provide gentle and effective calf pulls to help ensure a smooth birthing process. Whether it's a malpositioned calf or a challenging delivery, our skilled team is trained to handle various scenarios with utmost care and expertise. Trust Rio Grande Veterinary Clinic for professional calf pull services, promoting the health and well-being of your valuable cattle. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and receive prompt assistance for calving concerns. Call us at (956)-508-8900 to schedule an appointment.

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3311 East Del Mar Blvd Suite 201


Monday: 7am - 5pm
Tuesday: 7am - 5pm
Wednesday: 12pm - 8pm
Thursday: 7am - 5pm
Friday: 7am - 5pm
Saturday: 8am to 12pm (1st & 3rd of the Month)
Sunday: Closed

After Hours

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